Tuesday, November 27, 2007
happy endings

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
beowulf the movie

The animation was very good. Movements were pragmatic and appearance of the cast physically resembled the real ones. And yes, the 'many' were telling the truth... you should see how good the body of Beowulf was sculpted, hehe! Fight scenes were very good! But I believe the animation would have been really great using 3D vision. Unfortunately, we were watching it in 2D, hehe! I would rate their animation 4 in a scale of 5 (having 5 as the perfect score). Comparing it to 'The Polar Express', this was a lot better. However, there were some dragging parts (for me). I was sleepy in some plots, and there were words that were hard to understand, maybe because of the accent and unfamiliar terms used. It was even frustrating trying to cope with what they were saying (Gosh! I need to study na jud for IELTS, grrrrr!). And for those not familiar with the story behind Beowulf epic, you should do some reading before trying to watch it. I was lost at the first part of the movie... trying to connect all the characters and what role they are playing, but eventually, you'll see the connections. I believe there were deviations from the real story behind Beowulf, but it was good. It made the story even more conceivable. The Beowulf discussed during my college days was a lot different. As far as I can remember, Beowulf really did fought the mother of Grendel and she died. In this movie they made a twist ( a good one, hehe!). They made it look like all Danish Kings were under the curse of Grendel's mother and Beowulf was one of them. Grendel's mother was "shatter-proof" that even Beowulf cannot destroy. It was quite good, but if I was Beowulf, I think I'd be offended, hehe! But then all of this deviations are for the sake of good screenplay, and they nailed it!
Overall, Beowulf the movie is very good. However, for those seeking movies plainly for entertainment, fun and those that are undemanding, this is not for you. =)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
my day
I again, don't know what to write today... I think I'll just give you a run down of how my day is.
I had a good day today, especially that I started it with a chat with DEhkNeeS, hehe! He was on-call for duty today, unfortunately, he had to go for his work, so I'm left basically with nothing else to do but miss him, hehe! Anyway, I prepared all my personal documents for my job application to GCGMH. Finally, I have decided to go on with the training GCGMH is offering. I'm really getting tired of just being at home. Though I'm reading books or studying for NCLEX, I still feel the need for me to move more and also I think that this training is good for me, not only will I gain experience but also improve my skills in this line of career. I really hope I can be one of the trainees, especially that they are only getting the top ten of all the applicants. Help me cross fingers for it. I was also delighted to know that my friend DIyhAN was also applying for it. I really hope we can make it. After submitting all my requirements, I went home and spent the rest of the day studying. Nothing much really happened to me today... And as I am writing this now, I'm looking forward for Marimar, hehehe! and I'm also downloading the movie 300... The movie was really a hit, as for me, you'll read my review as soon as I watched it.
This all I can say for now... Thanks for stopping by pips. God bless everyone!
I had a good day today, especially that I started it with a chat with DEhkNeeS, hehe! He was on-call for duty today, unfortunately, he had to go for his work, so I'm left basically with nothing else to do but miss him, hehe! Anyway, I prepared all my personal documents for my job application to GCGMH. Finally, I have decided to go on with the training GCGMH is offering. I'm really getting tired of just being at home. Though I'm reading books or studying for NCLEX, I still feel the need for me to move more and also I think that this training is good for me, not only will I gain experience but also improve my skills in this line of career. I really hope I can be one of the trainees, especially that they are only getting the top ten of all the applicants. Help me cross fingers for it. I was also delighted to know that my friend DIyhAN was also applying for it. I really hope we can make it. After submitting all my requirements, I went home and spent the rest of the day studying. Nothing much really happened to me today... And as I am writing this now, I'm looking forward for Marimar, hehehe! and I'm also downloading the movie 300... The movie was really a hit, as for me, you'll read my review as soon as I watched it.
This all I can say for now... Thanks for stopping by pips. God bless everyone!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
my prayer...
Lord I pray to you, that I will discover through the pain and torment
the strength to love with grace and humor.
May I discover through doubt and anguish
the strength to live with dignity and holiness.
Allow me to discover through suffering and fears
the strength to move toward healing.
May it come to pass that I will be restored to health and vigor
so my life dwells in your glory
Grant me wellness of body, spirit and mind
So, I may find in this transformation the passing moments,
the meaning of life, all trials and sacrifices,
and opportunities to live and be loved by others.
Grace me with so much willingness to help,
and be helped by others as well.
Give me the grace and willingness to deeply calm others,
and be calmed in return.
Grant me Your divine wisdom,
to discern graciously in moments of doubts and dilemma.
Grant me serenity to accept the things I find unacceptable.
Bless me with Your divine guidance,
so I may be able to become instrument of your love and goodness
In times of desertion,
give me the courage and strength to move on,
with a joyful and a grateful heart
I ask to fill me with faith to inspire, hands to heal and heart to understand and love.
I thank you very much, for your love and forgiveness Lord
I offer to you the rest of my days.
Lord I pray to you, that I will discover through the pain and torment
the strength to love with grace and humor.
May I discover through doubt and anguish
the strength to live with dignity and holiness.
Allow me to discover through suffering and fears
the strength to move toward healing.
May it come to pass that I will be restored to health and vigor
so my life dwells in your glory
Grant me wellness of body, spirit and mind
So, I may find in this transformation the passing moments,
the meaning of life, all trials and sacrifices,
and opportunities to live and be loved by others.
Grace me with so much willingness to help,
and be helped by others as well.
Give me the grace and willingness to deeply calm others,
and be calmed in return.
Grant me Your divine wisdom,
to discern graciously in moments of doubts and dilemma.
Grant me serenity to accept the things I find unacceptable.
Bless me with Your divine guidance,
so I may be able to become instrument of your love and goodness
In times of desertion,
give me the courage and strength to move on,
with a joyful and a grateful heart
I ask to fill me with faith to inspire, hands to heal and heart to understand and love.
I thank you very much, for your love and forgiveness Lord
I offer to you the rest of my days.
Friday, November 16, 2007
heaven and hell

What a happy thought, isn't it? hehe! Like what I said, no one really knows about the life after death. All that I can leave to all you readers out there is that we make the best out of our lives. We only live once, be good, be happy, be holy. So if heaven do exist, I'd like to meet you there. =D
Thursday, November 15, 2007
anniversaries--a need...

I spent the whole afternoon today watching Ghost Whisperer season 2. I have been a big fan of it since ever and I like their stories--touching and some really spooky, hehe! Moreover, I love the love story behind it, and for all the romantics out there, episode 8 of season 2 is a must see. There was a part there that I cried a river, hehe! I felt fullness in my heart that there was nothing left for me to do but cry. It was about the love story of Melinda and Jim. Melinda was very busy preparing for their anniversary, she bought the most beautiful gift she can imagine and it symbolized the first date they had. On the other hand, Jim was very busy with work and all, and Melinda couldn't help but feel like Jim was forgetting their big day. When the big day came, Melinda just give the gift to Jim. Jim who seemed clueless just opened it and asked what the occasion is. Melinda was a little pissed especially that Jim just let her get his coat because he is going somewhere. And when Melinda went to the closet, a gift fell down on her. Melinda then couldn't stop crying... and Jim was there preparing their dinner. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy! I know it is a very usual plot in a love story, but it did really get into me. Most of the women out there make a big deal out of anniversaries, even monthsaries or any day that would make them cherish special moments that may come into the lives of a couple. I am even one of them. And it is sad to say, that some men seemed to not really give importance to this, not like the women do (this is just based on experiences from friends).
What is in anniversaries anyway? Anniversary is a day that commemorates or celebrates a past event that occurred on the same day of the year as the initial event. In the lives of a couple, it may be the date of start of their life together, or any other memories that are meant to be remembered; that if not for that day, everything would have been the other way around. It wouldn't hurt for anyone just to remember special occasions once in a while. How you get to remember it somehow measures how you treasure that someone in your life, and that even as days or years gone by, there is still that spark, that glint, that eagerness for one to hold on to what made a relationship special. I believe that anniversaries or monthsaries are somethings that are not to be taken for granted in any relationship. It is just one day--a day that may change a lifetime, a day that would make you realize the good you had in your life, a day of chance to tell someone how much she/he mean to you, a day to say sorry, a day to be thankful for the blessings, a day to rekindle a loving relationship... Anniversary is not just any other wants in our life... sometimes it is a need for a relationship to be strong, for a relationship to last a lifetime; and who wouldn't like that...
For all of us lovers out here and there... it is not just anniversaries that are not to be taken for granted. What is a day compared to the years of being together? It is not only during anniversaries that there is a reason to celebrate togetherness, or oneness. Everyday of being together is special, already a reason to celebrate and be thankful of it. Let's make everyday an anniversary... everyday of staying in love, everyday of living for the one you love.
I love you DEhkNeeS... I wouldn't miss this chance to tell that I do... Thank you for not missing anniversaries and monthsaries! hehehe! Mwahhhhhhh! i love you more.
What is in anniversaries anyway? Anniversary is a day that commemorates or celebrates a past event that occurred on the same day of the year as the initial event. In the lives of a couple, it may be the date of start of their life together, or any other memories that are meant to be remembered; that if not for that day, everything would have been the other way around. It wouldn't hurt for anyone just to remember special occasions once in a while. How you get to remember it somehow measures how you treasure that someone in your life, and that even as days or years gone by, there is still that spark, that glint, that eagerness for one to hold on to what made a relationship special. I believe that anniversaries or monthsaries are somethings that are not to be taken for granted in any relationship. It is just one day--a day that may change a lifetime, a day that would make you realize the good you had in your life, a day of chance to tell someone how much she/he mean to you, a day to say sorry, a day to be thankful for the blessings, a day to rekindle a loving relationship... Anniversary is not just any other wants in our life... sometimes it is a need for a relationship to be strong, for a relationship to last a lifetime; and who wouldn't like that...
For all of us lovers out here and there... it is not just anniversaries that are not to be taken for granted. What is a day compared to the years of being together? It is not only during anniversaries that there is a reason to celebrate togetherness, or oneness. Everyday of being together is special, already a reason to celebrate and be thankful of it. Let's make everyday an anniversary... everyday of staying in love, everyday of living for the one you love.
I love you DEhkNeeS... I wouldn't miss this chance to tell that I do... Thank you for not missing anniversaries and monthsaries! hehehe! Mwahhhhhhh! i love you more.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
"I am gonna be a mommy"

Every woman in this world, who values their true essence, lives in one sure fate--motherhood. Some may have dreaded the day it came unplanned, but to many, it is a blessing, a fulfillment of one purpose in life. I believe that positive perspective like this is directly proportional to ones maturity. I have seen many of my cousins who had become teen-mothers who have had more than their share of out-of-wedlock births and at the same time marital upheavals. Maturity indeed plays a big role in conceiving up to parenthood. And, with this maturity is the understanding that motherhood and fatherhood always comes together, and that it takes two for a new individual to grow and the love that binds them makes them a true family. In the middle of all this whirlwind of emotions, I can't help but feel envy (slight ra pud, hehe!). There has always been my one great fear: Will I be able to give my husband, in the future, children? In the long gene lines of my ancestors, 20% was not able to conceive, and I really hope that this is not genetic. With all the treatment I have undergone in the past, there was that risk of not being able to bear children, and I really hope that it was a slim chance. Sayang kasi... I was quite sure that I'd be a great mom and my partner would be a great dad too. But like what I always say to my friend, everything is a blessing. God's will always prevail.
To my friend... Congratulations! This new phase of your life came at the right time. Don't ever think otherwise. This is a no turning-back thing... face it with pride. Know that your friends will always be there for you and your baby. God bless your family! Mwaaahhhhh!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Marimar Addict!!!

Hello Everyone!
Let me start my blog with a simple introduction... Uhmmm... This may take some space here, but I assure you, I'm someone worth knowing (I guess, hehehe!) Anyway, you can call me GuhLADeeS... this blog is mainly for my share of ideas about anything in this world. I'm a proud daughter of my parents (of course! hehe!). I'm also sharing my life now with someone very and extra special--my 'pangga' DEhkNeeS. My parents, my boyfriend and my friends are the significant people of my life now. And I always treasure them and I love taking care of them. I am basically God-fearing. I am a person of good moral and a major pro-life! I love taking on new adventures. I love exploring oceans and the seas. I love reading books and watching TV too. I love collecting things, like bags, shoes, slippers, baseball caps, stuff toys... anything pleasing to my senses, hehe! I love cooking, I love experimenting on new recipes. I'm a clean freak, moreover, I think I have a type A personality, hehe! I just think so, hehe! I have always wanted to travel the world. Me and my best friend, JhANNAh, have always wanted to see the world. We plan to go to Japan and see true ninjas, hehe! to Europe and meet the Queen, hehe! even to Iceland just to be one of the happiest people in the whole world, hehe! and many, many more... I love spending time with people I love. I am happy with my life now... though I haven't landed on my dream job yet (USRN), I am happy to where I am now--in Bohol, with my family and friends, and having the greatest man in my life (DEhkNeeS).
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