New year opens with snow in Las Vegas! Me, as a snow lover rejoiced over it, but it may have caused headaches to some motorist. But, really its a miracle to have snow in the desert. I'm sure most of the residents wouldn't mind snow for a day, hehe! Anyway,I live at the Southeastern part of Vegas. Unfortunately, it was raining ice only at the Northwestern part of the Valley. So, me and my husband drove for 40 mins just to get to the snow coated area. And, whoalllah! The view was heavenly! It was my first to ever see falling snow. I was like a kid first time in Disneyland, hehe! I really enjoyed it. Ofcourse, the whole experience wouldn't be complete without few shots here and there.
Here are shots of the snow fall... We were heading west when it rained ice. Awesome!

When the snow fall stopped, we maneuvered to Desert Breeze Park, along Spring Mountain Rd., Las Vegas and played with the snow.

Here are photos of me and Dennis having a great time...

"Kindness is like snow--it beautifies everything it covers." - Anonymous