Happy New Year everyone! I'm really sorry, it took me a while to log in back to this account... I've been really busy with all the gatherings for the the new year and I just got myself scheduled for the NCLEX. I'm busy with all the review classes now, and I hope and pray that I can make it. Pray for me guys!
Few days from the beginning of the year, I have compiled lots of new year resolutions--all the do's and dont's. Then, as days goes by I also find myself breaking them one by one, hehe! Like, I swear I'll never drink colas again, but then the next day I find myself drinking one. That sucks! It just made me feel terrible, guilty for what was undone. As always, I get to start a rigid set of new-me rules, and then it becomes a list of frustrations of the did-not-happen wishes by the end of the year. Now, I'm here to ditch my old resolutions! I am reformulating them, like pledges. See, my resolutions mostly is about the flaws in me--trying hard to perfect those icky, schmaltzy bits of me. Instead of clearing those impossible stains in my mojos, I think my resolution this year would be about loving all my faulty parts. Nobody's perfect, and I am of no exemption. There are lots of incoherence in me that makes me flinch in self-doubt, moreover, it deducts a level of my confidence. I admit that often I feel insecure intensely, mostly physically. I sometimes can't help but feel inadequate, because I cannot change the fact that initially, people judge you by how you look, and not on how intellectually and morally gorgeous one is. This year, I'll find ways to discover my way out of this "bitter" side of me. I'll use this negativity and transform it to something productive and beautiful, I guess. I'll accept my perceived flaws and sexify my own individual shape, hehe!
I'm sharing this resolution to all you here, to remind each one of us that behind all these insecurities is an immense power. We have to get hold of it and use it. We'll make year 2008 be about accepting shortcomings, learning from downfall and loving ourselves more. The true key? Live and love more!
Few days from the beginning of the year, I have compiled lots of new year resolutions--all the do's and dont's. Then, as days goes by I also find myself breaking them one by one, hehe! Like, I swear I'll never drink colas again, but then the next day I find myself drinking one. That sucks! It just made me feel terrible, guilty for what was undone. As always, I get to start a rigid set of new-me rules, and then it becomes a list of frustrations of the did-not-happen wishes by the end of the year. Now, I'm here to ditch my old resolutions! I am reformulating them, like pledges. See, my resolutions mostly is about the flaws in me--trying hard to perfect those icky, schmaltzy bits of me. Instead of clearing those impossible stains in my mojos, I think my resolution this year would be about loving all my faulty parts. Nobody's perfect, and I am of no exemption. There are lots of incoherence in me that makes me flinch in self-doubt, moreover, it deducts a level of my confidence. I admit that often I feel insecure intensely, mostly physically. I sometimes can't help but feel inadequate, because I cannot change the fact that initially, people judge you by how you look, and not on how intellectually and morally gorgeous one is. This year, I'll find ways to discover my way out of this "bitter" side of me. I'll use this negativity and transform it to something productive and beautiful, I guess. I'll accept my perceived flaws and sexify my own individual shape, hehe!
I'm sharing this resolution to all you here, to remind each one of us that behind all these insecurities is an immense power. We have to get hold of it and use it. We'll make year 2008 be about accepting shortcomings, learning from downfall and loving ourselves more. The true key? Live and love more!